Organize a Mastermind Group with Your Friends, Here is the Template

Ti (Tianyu) Guo 郭天宇
2 min readJul 4, 2020

I have been in 4 Mastermind Groups, including 2 organized by myself. They are all created in different friend groups and have very different structures. These mastermind groups are really effective in helping me maintain a good relationship with friends and grow efficiently. Here are some rules and a template signup/survey sheet to help you start yours too.


  • It is important to gather people’s interest before and after the first meeting. This helps you decide what types of Mastermind Group should you organize.
  • Have a clear schedule (generally 1~2 hours, from weekly to quarterly), clear structure, with clear number of people attending (3~12 people is all ok). It is hard to make our friends' catchup calls have strict structure. However, if you can make it work, it will be the most efficient and effective catchup calls you will experience.
  • If group members do not have Mastermind Group experience before then you should not let them decide meeting structure, cause they do not know what works.
  • To lower people’s activation energy, you can start by asking people to only do a limited number of times.
  • It is OK for people to skip some group meetings because everyone gets busy sometimes, however, if anyone skips 50%+ of the meetings then the meetings start to become not very efficient. It is good to make this clear at the beginning.

Below is my template for gathering people’s interest and also sign up for the first group meeting:



Ti (Tianyu) Guo 郭天宇

Engineer, Entrepreneur, Productivity Hacking, Effective Altruism